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Christian staton

Although he's one of the strangest characters in the world of Chuck and Brad, he's also one of the most consistent. Christian is Chuck's cousin, the drummer of Senior Discount, and has been part of the podcasting and videos since the very beginning.


- 2018/07/20 - #370 - Senior Discount's Album Release Party and Warped Tour (featuring Christian Staton, Gina Mastrostefano, Katy Holland and Melissa Rodrigues)

- 2018/05/18 - #363 - Cook and Dagger and the Sum 41 "Does This Look Infected?" Anniversary Tour (along with Melissa Rodrigues and the rest of Senior Discount: Matt Kelley and Abe Correia)

- 2017/06/15 - #317 - The Story of "And That's Goodbye"

- 2016/12/14 - #293 - Chuck and Brad's Chris-Match - TLC: Tinsel, Laughter, and Cheer (along with Gina Mastrostefano, Abe Correia, Michayla Currie, Jordan Furtado, Brian Lau, Eric Maksood, Fawn Correia, and Sam Staton)

- 2016/07/20 - #273 - Warped Tour, Ghostbusters, and The Story of No Plateau (Interview)

- 2011/03/15 - #64 - The Evolution of Car Tag (along with Jordan Furtado and Lou Perella)

- 2011/03/10 - #63 - Senior Discount's Nightmare Before Christmas

- 2009/02/21 - #3 - PG-13itizing, Cannibalism, Blink 182 and New Television Shows

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