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Senior Discount is Chuck's band. The podcast often revolves around the happenings of the band, and sometimes they come on all together to tell a story or discuss a situation.


- 2018/05/18 - #363 - Cook and Dagger and the Sum 41 "Does This Look Infected?" Anniversary Tour (along with Melissa Rodrigues)

- 2016/12/14 - #293 - Chuck and Brad's Chris-Match - TLC: Tinsel, Laughter, and Cheer (along with Christian Staton, Abe Correia, Michayla Currie, Jordan Furtado, Brian Lau, Eric Maksood, Fawn Correia, and Sam Staton)

- 2015/04/30 - #209 - Origin Stories, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and Filming with Senior Discount

- 2011/03/10 - #63 - Senior Discount's Nightmare Before Christmas

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